Menopause treatment Ft. Myers, FL - Balance Hormone Clinic

Overview of Menopause

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through, marking the end of menstruation and fertility. The average age for menopause is 51, but it can occur earlier or later. As estrogen levels decline during perimenopause and after menopause, women may experience symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, trouble sleeping, and more.

While menopause symptoms can significantly impact quality of life, the good news is that safe and effective treatment options are available. At Balance Hormone Clinic in Ft. Myers, our certified menopause practitioners provide personalized care and menopause treatment plans to help women thrive through this transition.

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

The hallmark sign of menopause is when a woman has gone 12 months without a period. But the transition starts earlier in perimenopause, which can last for years. Some of the most common symptoms include:

Our services

Vasomotor Symptoms

Vaginal and Urinary Changes

Emotional Changes

Other Common Symptoms

The wide range of menopause symptoms can significantly disrupt quality of life for women. Fortunately, our knowledgeable menopause doctors offer comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each woman's individual needs.

Choose personalized menopause treatment plans for symptom relief.

Causes and Risk Factors for Menopause

Menopause occurs naturally as women age and their ovaries stop producing reproductive hormones. The average age is 51, but it can happen earlier or later. Factors that influence timing include:

Underlying medical conditions like autoimmune disorders or enzyme deficiencies can also impact hormone levels and trigger premature ovarian failure for some women.

Our menopause doctors provide specialized care for women going through natural or induced early menopause. We develop customized treatment plans to help manage symptoms and long term health.

The Importance of Seeking Treatment

Many women think they just have to grin and bear menopausal symptoms. But there are significant benefits of treatment through hormone therapy and other options:

Despite fears about hormones, current evidence supports hormone therapy for most healthy women under 60, and potentially up to age 65-70.

We encourage women not to delay - seek treatment early for the best results. Our menopause doctors stay up to date on the latest guidelines and best practices. We develop personalized plans to help you thrive through the menopausal transition.

Interesting fact

A surprising new menopause treatment that is gaining popularity is the use of testosterone therapy. Although controversial, research has shown that low-dose testosterone supplementation can help relieve troublesome menopausal symptoms like low libido, fatigue, and muscle weakness for some women. More studies are still needed, but it's an intriguing new option on the horizon.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones naturally made by the body. They are often the preferred type of hormone therapy because the body recognizes and can effectively utilize bioidenticals.

There are FDA-approved bioidentical options, but custom compounded bioidenticals allow for more flexibility in dosing and routes of administration. We provide both FDA-approved and compounded bioidentical hormones at Balance Hormone Clinic.

The most common hormone therapy prescribed for menopause is estrogen. Estrogen helps relieve hot flashes, vaginal dryness, bone loss, and can even lift mood. It is most often prescribed with progesterone which helps prevent overgrowth of the uterine lining.

We also provide testosterone and DHEA therapy when indicated for depression, low libido, or energy levels. Growth hormone therapy is another option we offer patients for additional anti-aging benefits.

Our clinicians help determine which bioidentical hormone therapy is right for each woman based on risk factors, lab testing, and treatment goals. We closely monitor with follow up visits and labs.

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Lifestyle Recommendations for Managing Menopause

In addition to hormone therapy, making certain lifestyle changes can help ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, and mood changes. Our clinicians provide women with tailored lifestyle recommendations including:

Cooling Techniques to Minimize Hot Flashes

Soothing Herbs and Supplements

Stress Reduction Methods

The mindfulness techniques below help lower stress levels that can amplify symptoms:

Lifestyle approaches combined with hormone therapy provide the most effective solution. Our goal is to educate and empower women to manage menopausal symptoms and embrace this new phase of life.

Finding the Right Menopause Specialist for You

If you're struggling with disruptive menopause symptoms, finding the right clinician for treatment can vastly improve your results and experience. Here is what sets Balance Hormone Clinic apart as the leading menopause treatment center in Fort Myers:

Specialized Expertise and Ongoing Training

Personalized Care and Attention

State-of-the-Art Therapies and Technology

Convenience and Customer Service

We aim to anticipate patient needs and go above and beyond to optimize the care experience. Please call us today to learn how our menopause specialists can help you thrive!

About Balance Hormone Clinic

We opened our doors in 2015 with the goal of providing unparalleled specialty care for hormone balance issues affecting both women and men. Thousands of patients now entrust us with their age management, sexual wellness, and preventative health needs.

Our state-of-the-art center offers a luxury clinical environment where you can access comprehensive, integrated care all under one roof. We provide an extensive range of anti-aging, functional and regenerative therapies rarely found in traditional medical settings.

Balance Hormone Clinic accepts most major insurance plans, and new patients are welcome.

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